
How to Slice T-Bone Steak: Stop Cutting the Strip Side WRONG

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By Dylan Clay
November 7, 2024

1. With your knife and cooked T-bone steak, separate both muscles from the t-shaped bone.

Guide your sharp knife along the bone and separate the muscles.

separating t bone muscles

2. Slice Each Muscle Individually (Most Recipes and Articles Get this Part WRONG)

These muscles do not have the same grain direction.

Almost ALL recipes and articles for t-bone steak will show the NY Strip side sliced incorrectly.

The grain of both the muscles is as pictured below:

t-bone grain direction

They’ll say to “slice the steak against the grain” and then slice like this:

t-bone steak wrong slice direction

But to slice against the grain, you’d actually slice like this:

t-bone steak correct slice direction

In the example below I purposely sliced the strip loin incorrectly for three slices just to show you what the grain looks.

slicing t-bone wrong and right

Pictured below are pictures of both of these slices:

t-bone sliced with and against the grain comparison

As we can clearly see, the fibers in the meat sliced vertically are oriented horizontally, telling you that the meat is sliced incorrectly.

You effectively sliced with the grain.

Where-as the second slice is cut horizontally, or against the grain.

For the sake of completeness, here’s a slice of the the tenderloin, note the fibers are vertical meaning we sliced against them.

tbone tenderloin sliced correctly

Why is T-bone Steak Often Sliced Incorrectly then?

This is speculation but I think it just looks cleaner.

I also think people just copy others and genuinely don’t know.

It also doesn’t matter as much with t-bone steak because the strip loin is a fairly tender cut of meat.

Where-as if you sliced flank steak with the grain, it’s a tough muscle and the difference is very noticeable.

If you truly want to have the most tender eating experience, you’d slice against the grain but sacrifice on presentation.


  • 100% agree with Jennifer. There were lots of sites explaining how to cook a T-Bone steak, but the only directions were “cut against the grain”. This was positively clear and extremely helpful! Thank you for the great directions and insights.

  • Adrienne

    This is THE BEST, most informative article I have read about beef grain. Your photos clearly show how to cut a T-Bone.
    Thank you!

    • Dylan Clay

      I appreciate your kind words Adrienne!


      • Jennifer

        Well it’s about damn time. Someone who still uses diagrams and actual photos!
        As an AUDHD person, the autistic side needs perfection, but the ADHD side can’t wait even for the meat to rest 😆)
        You’re very clear, zero ego in your writing, in fact it’s like getting directions from someone who also uses visual cues better than written words for clarity. I wish I could keep you in my back pocket, with a sketchpad and a pencil or 3 ✌️😁! Thanks again!

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