
Re-Heating a Whole Brisket: A How-to Guide

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By Dylan Clay
November 5, 2024

Allow the Brisket to Thaw in the Refrigerator

A whole frozen brisket will take 24 hours per 5 lbs to defrost.

My brisket weighed 8 lbs and took 48 hours to defrost.

brisket after thawing for 48 hours

Don’t reheat in a frozen state in your oven, there will be a noticeable loss in overall quality and the meat will end up being more dry.

There’s also cause for concern related to food safety.

Preheat Oven to 350F

Put 3 Tablespoons of a Fat on Top

I almost always have Beef Tallow in my refrigerator but if you don’t have tallow, butter is perfectly fine.

Take 3 tablespoons and evenly space them across the top of the brisket.

butter on top of brisket

Wrap in Foil

Take two sheets of aluminum foil – roughly a wingspan length and overlap them in the center by half their width (pictured above).

Then wrap the brisket in the foil.

If you need a better guide on this – with pictures – read this article.

Place on a Baking Pan and in the Oven

Now wrapped, place on a baking sheet and place on the middle rack of your oven.

It will take ~1.5 – 2 hours for the brisket to reach 165F internal.

brisket unwrapped after reheating

Verify the internal temperature by probing the thickest part of the meat – roughly the center.

Once at temperature, slice the meat and enjoy!

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