
Western Style Beef Jerky Recipe

If you like jerky that's tough, chewy, salty/savory, then this is for you. If you like soft, tender or sweet jerky - skip this recipe.
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By Dylan Clay
March 20, 2025
western style beef jerky recipe

For True “Western” Jerky Slice WITH the Grain

“Western” style jerky is tough with simple ingredients; The best way to make it tough is to slice with the grain.

jerky grain direction examples

If you slice against the grain, this will make it softer and more tender.

Slice strips to 1/8 – 1/4″ thick.

1/8″ is usually too thin and pieces from a stereotypical “Western” style brand are bigger slabs.

Western Style Marinade Ingredients

The marinade is savory and salty – this is for ~1 lb of beef.

  • 1/3 cup low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tbsp Evaporated cane sugar (or dark brown sugar)
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp granulated garlic

Marinate the meat overnight or for 48+ hours.

The only reason we’re using some sugar here is to help with moisture retention when we go to dehydrate.

Set Your Dehydrator to 160F

Dehydrate like this for ~3 hours and then start checking for doneness.

Take a piece out and allow to cool for 10 minutes.

Then bend it – if the bend has spider webbing, it’s done.

If the bend feels like rubber bands and has hues of pink/purple, it’s not done and needs to keep dehydrating.

Once Done, Put into a Ziplock Bag and Allow to Aerate

Leave the bag open for ~15 minutes and then seal and store in a cool, dry, dark place.

Eat within 2 weeks.

OR store in your refrigerator and eat within a month.

Western Style Beef Jerky

Simple ingredients and meat sliced with the grain for a "tug."
No ratings yet
Prep Time15 minutes
Active Time3 hours
Marination Time16 hours
Total Time19 hours 15 minutes


  • 1 lb London broil

Western Beef Jerky Marinade

  • 1/3 cup low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tbsp Evaporated cane sugar or dark brown sugar
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp granulated garlic


Slicing and Marinating Jerky

  • Take 1 lb of lean beef and cut against the grain. Slice so that the strips are 1/8-1/4" thick.
  • In a bowl combine the marinade ingredients in the specified quantities. Ensure the powders and sugars are well combined.
  • In a non-reactive container or ziplock bag, add your marinade and sliced jerky. Massage the marinade into the beef.
  • Put in your refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours; Ideally, you'd marinate overnight for 16+ hours.

Dehydrating the Beef Jerky

  • Set your dehydrator to 160-165F.
    Place your beef jerky in your dehydrator. Ensure pieces aren't touching or overlapping.
  • Allow the jerky to dehydrate for 3 hours and then start checking for doneness.

Testing Beef Jerky for Doneness

  • After 3 hours take a few pieces of beef jerky out of the dehydrator and allow them to cool for 5-10 minutes.
  • Once cooled, bend the jerky.
  • If at the bend you notice a "spider webbing" – it's done. If at the bend you notice the jerky is rubbery and has hues of red/pink, it's not done.
  • At most it should take around 5 hours.

Storing the Jerky

  • Once done, place in a ziplock bag with the top open and allow the jerky to aerate for 30 minutes. Once aerated zip the top and store in a cool, dry, dark place.


If you like spicy jerky, use 1 tsp of Cayenne. 
If you don’t want to make your own teriyaki sauce, use 1/2 cup of your favorite name brand one.

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