Take pork tenderloin out of package and pat dry.
1 lb Pork Tenderloin
In a mixing bowl, combine marinade ingredients.
1 tsp cumin, 4 garlic cloves, 1 tsp dried oregano, 2 tsp Morton's Kosher Salt, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tbsp chili powder, 2 tbsp olive oil, ¼ cup water, 1 tbsp lime juice, 1 tbsp lemon juice
To a gallon storage bag add your pork tenderloin and marinade.
The next day, get your smoker to 225F. If you can go lower to around 180F - do it.
Once at temperature, put your tenderloin on the smoker and add a piece of your favorite hardwood.I like cherry with pork so that's what I used. Smoke the tenderloin until it reaches 145F internal.
Once at temperature, take off the smoker and rest for 10 minutes.
After resting, slice and enjoy!