Liberally apply this rosemary salt to all sides of the roast. Put on a baking sheet and into your refrigerator overnight.
The Next Day, Get Your Kettle to 200-225F in an Indirect Setup
Before putting on the grill, cover the roast with olive oil - you could opt to add fresh herbs at this point too - totally optional but will build a better crust.
Once at temperature put the prime rib on indirect, with the fat cap pointed at the fire.
Probe the thickest part of the prime to monitor internal temperature.
If you want to smoke the meat, add your favorite piece of hardwood.
Cook the Meat Until 10F UNDER Your Target Temperature
My goal is ~125-130F or Medium-rare. So I took the meat off at 115F.
While the meat is resting, get 3/4 of a charcoal chimney lit to sear the roast later. This will take ~15 minutes.
Rest the meat covered loosely with aluminum foil for 20-30 minutes. During this rest the internal went to 127F.
Sear the Meat
Sear the meat on one side for 30 seconds, then flip to the other for 30 seconds.
Do this back and forth until you're happy with the exterior.
Rest for another 5 minutes while you set your table, remove the roast from the bones and then slice into 1-1.5" thick slices. Enjoy!